Scholarship Guidelines and Eligibility

Scholarship Guidelines and Eligibility

SWEA Portland seeks to award scholarships to individuals from the Northwestern United States looking to promote and raise awareness of Swedish culture and traditions.

If you have a study abroad program, research project or other activity that you believe will advance and share knowledge of Swedish culture traditions, language, art, history or society you are encouraged to apply. 
Current scholarships are $500 – $1,000 each.

To be considered for a scholarship an applicant must:

  • Live in the Northwestern United States or be doing their study or project in the Northwest of the US.
  • Give a detailed description of how the scholarship will be used with demonstrated interest in furthering Swedish culture and tradition.
  • Account for scholarship funds at the end of the year.
  • Commit to providing a report to SWEA Portland on how the award was used – either in writing or by giving a small presentation.
  • Both men and women are encouraged to apply.
  • SWEA members and their families do not qualify to apply.
How to Apply:

Please email your application including a short summary of who you are and why you are seeking a scholarship.  Applications will be reviewed within 30 days of receipt. We do have a calendar year budget, so prospective applicants are encouraged to submit as early as possible for funding in the same year.

If you have any additional questions or would like additional information, please contact SWEA Portland’s Donation Committee: Email:

We look forward to considering your application!